Easton is an easy two to three hour drive from London, Birmingham or Leeds. We can arrange for you to be picked up from Grantham station, which is just over an hour from London King’s Cross.

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Please use the form below if you would like any more information.

If you'd rather talk to someone about making a booking, please ring us during office hours, Monday-Friday, at the Easton Estate Office on 01476 550 227. If there is no-one there, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we get the message. Otherwise, please feel free to email on email@theeastonestate.co.uk

To view our Privacy Notice, please click here


Although you can't book the cottages on-line, you can make payments via our secure on-line shop.

We do ask that payment for your course is made in full at the time of booking. Please visit our secure online shop to pay.

You can, of course, also ring us in the Office during office hours and we'll take your payment over the telephone - 01476 550227

Please be aware that the links above will direct you to a different website, which is our main Easton Estate and Easton Walled Gardens' site - www.visiteaston.co.uk